NeraAgro Technology

Miloš Juha, Director of the Boubín Forestry Plant: bark beetle can be controlled

Miloš Juha, Director of the Boubín Forestry Plant: bark beetle can be controlled

When Miloš Juha joined the Boubín Forestry Plant, the annual harvest of bark beetle infested timber reached 213 thousand cubic metres. Thanks to preventive measures and modern technologies, the volume of bark beetle wood dropped by 95 %. When infested trees are detected in time, they can be harvested and sold at a standard price. The Boubín forestry plant is therefore one of the most profitable in the country and boasts healthy forests with natural regeneration exceeding...

Four Czech projects with an environmental dimension
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Four Czech projects with an environmental dimension

The portal published an article about us published by the magazine of the Czech Chamber of Commerce in June 2023. Greativity Group is one of the young dynamic companies looking for new opportunities on the market. It is a staple among interesting projects whose common denominator is a visible environmental dimension. Read the full article on the website.