Karel Eminger

He studied electrical engineering at the Faculty of Aviation of the Military Academy in Brno.

  • 10 years as a researcher in the development of real-time technical asset management software
  • 15 years of professional and senior positions in military research and development management structures
  • 5 years as TOP manager of defence research, development and defence technologies at the Ministry of Defence
  • For 6 years he led the development of specifications and concepts for field workstations and field military hospital facilities, conducting military tests of these facilities
  • For 10 years, he has worked on DoD defense research and development projects, such as the design and specification of special mobile hazardous pathogen laboratories and a WMD-protected container facility.

In 2015 he co-founded a private company PRAGO-ANORG, s.r.o. for the development of inorganic materials shielding ionizing radiation, cooperation with the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the CAS, the Centre of Research of the Research Centre of Radiation Engineering and the Department of Nuclear Reactors of the CTU.

Further cooperation with the Institute of Chemical Engineering of the CAS on projects for the development of new construction binders based on alkali-activated precursors for building materials with low to zero carbon footprint resulted in establishment of VPMI, s.r.o. in 2019.

Brand VPMI holding represents two companies and two areas of research: Prago-Anorg investigates inorganic materials for radiation protection and nuclear radiation capture, Betonext is looking for new materials and binders for the construction industry.