Acquisition 2020

Plasma For People

Organic plasma that means new hope for millions of people around the world.
The innovation, developed in the Czech Republic, has real potential to improve the health of millions of people and bring hope where it has been so lacking.

Annually, doctors lack more than 100,000,000 litres of blood plasma.
The WHO estimates that nearly 60 million litres of blood plasma are withdrawn annually, only a third of the amount that would be needed.

Currently, 80 % of donor-derived plasma is used to produce drugs for immunological diseases and 20 % is used for direct patient administration. For patients in an impaired state, blood plasma is the only possible source of protein. In addition to water, it contains a variety of proteins, sugars, fats and minerals. It is significantly involved in nutrient transport, maintenance of metabolism and information transfer.

Edestin will save lives and prolong quality of life
The production of a blood plasma substitute based on the plant protein Edestin, derived from industrial hemp, opens up a huge number of possibilities in medical applications. The protein source used solves all existing problems, from price to scarcity. A blood plasma substitute will be available with minimal input costs, immediately, permanently and anywhere in the world.

The team of experts at Plasma For People is almost there
Owns all IP for the technology of production of blood plasma substitute based on Edestin dissolved in saline solution, administered to patients intravenously. We are currently completing the preclinical phase and preparing for the clinical trial period required to release the product into the medical markets.

Greativity - investor and partner
Greativity Group entered the project as one of the first investors. Its consultants helped to secure all the know-how and IP for the unique technology, build the structure for investor entry and set up the overall project communication.

Open space for further investment
It is still possible to become an investor in the Plasma For People project. P4P Technology has a clear capital structure with as few shareholders as possible. Investments are intended for qualified investors through financial partner A4F Fund. The project is ready for exit to multinational investors according to established standards with leading experts.

Detailed information for potential investors are available on the website

Plasma For People

The meeting with Jan Vyskočil and Greativity was one of the major milestones in the project. Not only financial, but also professional input in the field of patents, law, finance, tax and business strategy helped us to create a secure and attractive background for the entry of other investors. With their help, we can fully focus on completing development and pursuing global markets

Milan Matějů

Business Development, Co-founder

Jan Vyskočil, CEO Greativity Group

I've been in business for a long time, so I know unicorns on sight. Edestin, developed by the Plasma For People team, will be the next groundbreaking tool that Czech developers will bring to the world of medicine. It is a privilege to be there, not to mention the expected return on investment.

Jan Vyskocil

CEO Greativity Group

Plasma For People