
GardeniX s.r.o. was founded in 2018 as a startup, dealing with hydroponics and plant nutrition. The main author of the technology on which the GardeniX s.r.o. system is based is Šimon Břeský. He received the prestigious Czech Goodwill award for his industry innovation.

What is GardeniX s.r.o.

GardeniX s.r.o. is a hydroponic modular system for growing vegetables. It is a solution that relieves sick and depleted soils and saves water, fertilizers and labor while increasing the economic potential of the growing area. It is suitable for the production of live salads, leafy vegetables and herbs. It does not need a massive investment over a large area and is much easier to operate, so it can be expanded gradually. In short: an efficient, effective and economically sustainable project for all beginning and advanced farmers.

Sustainable production for small and large growers

The basis of the system is NFT, which stands for Nutrient Film Technique. Plants take up nutrients from a thin film of solution that flows around their roots. Part of the roots take up nutrients from water, part takes up oxygen from the air. The plants benefit from this, and although water is essential, only about 5 % of water is needed compared to conventional cultivation. The water is of course enriched with the necessary nutrients. Return on investment? One to six years, depending on the configuration. A professional system needs professional implementation, but a small system can be built by the grower himself following the instructions.

Thanks to the possibility of dynamic shifting of the growing channels, the productivity per m2 is 38 % higher. Plants always have as much space as they need at their age. All this with very low energy requirements. Only a pump is required to operate the system and it can be easily installed in existing greenhouses or polytunnels and can also be operated outdoors or indoors vertically.

GardeniX s.r.o., apart from supplying technology, also provides expert advice on the construction and operation of its systems in practice.

Greativity Group - investment projects - GardeniX
Greativity Group - investment projects - GardeniX
Jan Vyskočil, CEO Greativity Group

Although Greativity does not explicitly focus on projects with a visible environmental dimension as a common denominator, it has several in its portfolio. We support innovative projects, ideas that have real potential to bring a paradigm shift in their field. And we are not "eco-hygienists" - the selected projects must also make sense economically.

Short messages

  • Sustainable trends in construction and architecture

    Pozvání na konferenci jsme pro start-up „Saláty na střeše“ společnosti GardeniX dostali od Centra investic, rozvoje a inovací [CIRI]. Konference Udržitelné
  • GardeniX at CES Unveiled

    V rámci 3denní návštěvy CES Unveiled, mezinárodní startupové konference v Amsterdamu, jsme měli možnost trénovat prezentační dovednosti v Global School of Enterpreneurship
