Acquisition 2023
BETONEXT Production
The startup company BETONEXT Production s.r.o. was founded on 3 May 2023.
Statistics show about 750 thousand tons of brick rubble, annually deposited in construction waste landfills (Czech Republic). Literature searches point to intensive research efforts on both the replacement of conventional binders and the processing of sorted construction waste. However, the new solutions choose inappropriate treatment technology with costly activators.
The vision of the BETONEXT Production team is recovery of unsorted waste brick building rubble (CSD), its recycling, activation processes with suitable alkaline wastes and its subsequent Returning back to building materials without heat treatment. The aim is to develop a recycled building element with a CSD content of approximately 65% and with a minimum use of qualified raw materials in a volume of up to 10%.
Qualified estimates confirm significant savings in energy intensity of technologies with positive impacts on CO2 emissions reduction. The project focuses on 3 types of CSD with different levels of purity and granulation. The successful solution of this project will bring another innovative technology to the recycling process of building materials and their use in construction practice.
The project was successfully defended in 2023 in the competition for innovation support of the TECHNOLOGICAL INCUBATION programme of the CZECHINVEST agency.
Our partnership with Greativity Group allows us to focus on research. Today, we accept about seven types of raw materials as activators and two basic categories of waste materials as matrices for the development of new binders, we have a completely new activator of our own and are developing another exceptional material with wider applications, and we are also addressing the recycling of shaped materials and different types of concrete structures. These are all topics facing the construction industry today.
Karel Eminger
Director of Science and Development, VPMI

The world of construction is changing, and we want to be there. We see supporting the development of new technologies that will directly and positively impact the world our children grow up in as an important part of our company's mission. In this case, moreover, it's about recycling construction waste - a pressing issue that plagues the whole of Europe.
Jiří Krňávek
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